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The content - 3.11 Tohoku disaster information banners prepared for the 5th commemoration event in Sydney





5 years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and the Fukushima Nuclear Disasters. The scenes of ferocious destruction that the earthquake and tsunami wrought on houses, farm lands, roads, schools, villages, towns, cars, ships and nuclear power plants shook the world. Likewise, the pain that the people of Tohoku had to endure reverberated across the globe. However, in this era of information overload, we’re constantly bombarded by horrific news and the memory of such a tragedy can be dulled as can concern towards the victims. Today’s society is constantly racing forward and there are few opportunities to stop, look back and reflect.

We know, however, that we can never forget what has happened in Tohoku – that the precious lives of 20,000 were taken, every one of them someone’s father, mother, daughter, son, grandfather, grandmother, lover or friend. Many more, of course, continue to endure the pain of losing loved ones, and there are still 174,471 people living as evacuees today and unable to return home.

The pain of those who have lost families and friends, been torn apart from their loved ones, and whose homeland has been degraded by pollution is immeasurable. And the disaster is far from over, for those who continue to suffer hardships on daily basis. We pray, from the bottom of our hearts, that they will receive the physical, financial and moral support they deserve.




死者行方不明者総数 CASUALTIES TOTAL 21,864

死亡者数 Deaths 15,894

行方不明者 Missing 2,563

震災関連死 Related Deaths 3,407



全壊 Completely Destroyed 121,783
半壊 Partially Destroyed 278,140
一部損壊 Damaged 726,125



Equivalent to the City of Sydney x 22 times
or Area of Yamanote-Line in Tokyo x 9 times



災害廃棄物 Disaster Wastes 20,000,000t
-> 82%再生利用 recycled, 12%焼却 combustion, 16%埋立 landfill
津波堆積物 Tsunami Sediment 11,000,000t
-> 99% 再生利用 recycled, 1%埋立 landfill



福島県 - 避難指定区域を除く、災害廃棄物、津波堆積物の処理進捗状況は97%
Fukushima has cleaned up 97% of the disaster waste as of March 2015, excluding the ‘Difficult-to-return’ evacuation zone.
岩手県 - 3年で県の14年分に当たる災害廃棄物処理を完了。総量の88%を再利用
Iwate took 3 years to clean up the disaster waste having have to process the amount equivalent to prefectural annual waste x 14. 88% of the whole waste have been recycled
宮城県 - 3年で災害廃棄物処理を完了。石巻地区では71年分相当の廃棄物
Miyagi also took 3 years to clean up the disaster waste. Ishinomaki ended up with the amount of waste which was equivalent to 71 years-worth



のべ派遣人員 Total number of personnel over time 10,580,000
最大時派遣人員 Maximum number of personnel at a time 107,000
人命救助 Lifesaving19,286
遺体収容 Recovery of deceased 9,505


のべ派遣人員 Total number of personnel over time  80,000
遺体収容 Recovery of deceased 62
原発空中放水 Water sprayed to NPP from air 30t
原発地上放水 Water sprayed to NPP on ground 340t


総派遣人員数 Total number of personnel 30,689
のべ派遣人員 Total number of personnel over time 109,919
最大時派遣人員 Maximum number of personnel at a time 6,099
人命救助 Lifesaving 5,064


総派遣人員数 Total number of personnel 12,800

のべ派遣人員 Total number of personnel over time 389,000

最大時派遣人員 Maximum number of personnel at a time 4,800

遺体収容 Recovery of deceased 18,000


救助隊: 27団体 27 International rescue teams
救援物資:53団体 53 Assistance in kind & donations
寄付金: 総額70億円以上 Over 7billion yen



消防士、医師、救急医療士などで構成される75名の隊員と救助犬2匹が、厳寒の中、壊滅的な被害を受けた宮城県南三陸で捜索救助活動に当たった(3月16日 -19日)。また豪州空軍RAAFはC-17A輸送機を用いて人員、支援物資また原発事故処理冷却用の高圧放水システムの輸送支援活動を行った。一時的にRAAFは4機保有しているC-17のうち3機を日本に派遣したことになった。
Australian Emergency Team in devastated Minamisanriku
The Federal government sent the urban search and rescue team to Minamisanriku in Miyagi where the earthquake and tsunami had turned this once-beautiful town into the debris. The team that consisted of 75 strong men including firefighters, doctors, paramedics, other specialists and 2 sniffer dogs carried out the search and rescue operation in freezing temperatures where continuous challenges had to be met. Also RAAF's C-17 military transport aircrafts provided the transport to the rescue team and a remotely operated water cannon system to assist with efforts to cool down the damaged nuclear reactor at Fukushima.





政府方針で30~40年かかるとされる廃炉計画だが、作業は放射線やがれき、汚染水などに阻まれ、 困難さを極め遅れが懸念される。汚染水の港湾流への出を防ぐべく海側遮水壁が2015年10月に完成。また凍土遮水壁が作られ、慎重な凍結開始が検討されている。 2014年12月以降、福島県が双葉町と大熊町における中間貯蔵施設の建設と除染廃棄物の搬入を容認。貯蔵開始から最長30年間保管され、その後は県外で最終処分される計画。また、2015年12月、福島県が放射性物質を含む指定廃棄物を民間の産廃処分場で最終処分する環境省の計画の受け入れを表明。これについて県知事は「苦渋の決断」と述べた。一方、2016年1月の朝日新聞の調査では、日本全国で最終処分場の立地を受け入れない方針を固めている都道府県が19にのぼっているとしている。参照:大分合同新聞2016年2月14日、2016年2月23日閲覧。Yahooニュース2016年1月3日、2016年2月23日閲覧。日テレNEWS24、2016年2月15日閲覧。環境省ウェブサイト2016年2月23日閲覧。朝日デジタル2015年12月2日および2016年1月27日、2016年2月23日閲覧


The offsite power supply was lost because the transmission towers at Fukushima Daiichi collapsed from the earthquake. Emergency generators on site were started immediately afterwards, however, almost all power generation was disabled by the ferocious tsunami of 14-15m in height that struck approximately 40 minutes after the earthquake. This led to a station blackout causing a loss of reactor cooling and disabling the monitoring systems which resulted in the reactor core meltdowns and explosions. This consequently released large amounts of radioactivity in the atmosphere. The radioactive contamination has become a dreadful hindrance to rescue operations and to the progress of post-disaster recovery. The fallout contaminated an extensive area surrounding the NPP and approximately 150,000 residents evacuated their homes. As a result, communities and families were torn apart. Approximately 98,000 people in Fukushima still live as evacuees today. There are many who continue to suffer from the concerns of radiation effects to their health and the uncertainty of not knowing whether they could ever return to their homes, as well as from compensation disputes and many more complex issues. 37 NPPs out of the nation’s total of 54 were operating before the disaster, but all of them were shut down by May 2012. After a 2 year hiatus of not operating any NPPs, Sendai NPP was restarted.The conflict between pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear lobbies continues. A landmark injunction halting the plans to restart the reactors at Takahama was issued at Fukui district court in April 2015, however, this was lifted by the newly appointed judges at the same court in December 2015. NPP at Takahama had been restarted and operated until Otsu district court issued an injuction on 7th March 2016 to hault them once again. Consequently, the fully operating reactor of Takahama No.3 NPP was brought to cold shutdown on 10th March 2016 - on the day before the 5th commemoration of Tohoku disaster.


Scope of Nuclear Disaster Cleanup
The Federal government’s roadmap toward the reactor decommissioning estimates that it would take 30-40 years, however, a delay is expected because radiation, contaminated water and radioactive debris could significantly hinder the decommissioning operations.The seaside impermeable wall was completed in October 2015 in effort to prevent further leak of contaminated water into the ocean. An Ice wall is now waiting for its operation to start with extensive caution.
The prefecture of Fukushima has accepted the construction of the interim storage facilities and transportation of nuclear decontamination waste into Futaba and Okuma. According to the government’s plan, the nuclear waste will be stored there for an interim period of up to 30 years and then will be moved and processed outside of Fukushima. Fukushima has also accepted the Environment Ministry’s plan to treat the specified waste - including radiation contaminated waste, at the final disposal sites operated by the private sector. The governor has commented that it was ‘an agonizing decision’. Meanwhile, it has been reported that at least 19 prefectures have strengthened their policy of not accepting nuclear contaminated waste on their land.


避難指示区域 - Areas to which evacuation orders have been issued due to Fukushima nuclear accident


帰還困難区域 Difficult-to-return zone
Areas where the annual integral dose of radiation is expected to be 20mSV or more within5 years and the integral dose of radiation per year was 50mSv or more as at December 2011.


居住制限区域 Restricted residence area
年間積算放射線量が2011年度末で20ミリシーベルトを超え50ミリシーベルト以下の地域で、住民に避難を続けるよう求める地域。将来的には住民が帰還し、地域社会の再建を目ざす区域である。一時帰宅、通過交通、インフ ラ復旧や防災など公益目的での立ち入りを認める。防護服着用や線量計所持は原則義務づけられていない。「帰還困難区域」より優先的に除染やインフラ復旧を実施。
Areas where the annual integral dose of radiation is expected to be 20mSv or more and residents are ordered to remain evacuated in order to reduce the risk of radiation exposure.


避難指示解除準備区域 Zone in preparation for the lifting of the evacuation order
Area where it is confirmed that the annual integral dose of radiation will definitely be 20mSv or less.


参照:「避難指示区域の概念図」平成27年9月5日版。内閣府サイト防災情報のページ(1)。小学館、日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ) 。


Content&design by Kimiko Kawamura. This project has benefited from an Arts & Design Grant courtesy of Arc @ UNSW Limited and JCS Rainbow Project.  Special thanks to; Malcolm Fisher, Jinlong Song, Marie Horvath, Yukiko Hirano and JCS Rainbow Project

都道府県     Prefecture
死亡者数     Deaths
行方不明者 Missing
震災関連死 Disaster-Related Deaths














43.3m 遡上高、宮城県女川町笠貝島 Runup Height, Kasagai Island Miyagi(1)

40.1m 遡上高、岩手県大船渡市綾里湾 Runup Height Ryouri Ōfunato Iwate(2)

37.88m 浸水高、岩手県宮古市田老 Inundation Height, Taro Miyako Iwate(2)
26.7m 浸水高、岩手県大船渡市綾里 Inundation Height at Coastline, Ryouri Ōfunato Iwate(2)

21.1m 浸水高、福島県双葉郡富岡町 Inundation Height at Coastline, Tomioka Fukushima(2)

17.6m 浸水高、宮城県女川町立病院 Inundation Height, Onagawa Hospital Miyagi(2)

14 -15m 浸水高、福島第一原発 Inundation Height at Fukushima Daiich Nuclear Plant(3)


(1)東大地震研究所、都司嘉宣准教授調査、朝日新聞デジタル2012年3月17日 (2)東北地方太平洋沖地震津波合同調査グループ =2016年2月8日参照 (3)東京電力調査、プレスリリース2011年4月9日




避難生活 - 地震津波被害および原発事故の影響から避難した人々はいまだに約17万4千人。このうち、原発事故が起きた福島県の避難生活者が圧倒的な9万8460人で、うち4万3139人が県外への避難を余儀なくされている。震災から5年、避難の長期化にともない避難者の心身への負担が増大している。先行きへの強い不安を抱えながら暮らす、自立の難しい高齢者も多い。避難先の行政やコミュニティとの連携が不可欠な中、時間が経つにつれ受け入れ地域側住民への負担も問題となる。 1995年の阪神淡路大震災後、問題となったコミュニティの崩壊、高齢者の孤立化や孤独死の反省にもとづき地域単位の入居をすすめる声もあったが、被害の大きさゆえに一部でしか進まなかった。



Life as Evacuees - As of February 2016, there are 174,471 people still living away from home after losing their houses or evacuating from the radiation area and away from contamination risks. Among these, 98,460 are from Fukushima, where the nuclear accident occurred. 5 years on since the disaster, the prolonged status of being evacuees, associated social stigma and other complex issues that need to be faced are heavily taxing the physical and mental well-being of these people. Amongst them, there are many elderlies who are not capable of starting their lives all over again with the physical and financial difficulty of leaving temporary houses. Working in cooperation with the local government and communities which accepted the evacuees is crucial, however, the strains imposed onto these local communities over time has also become an issue. 1995’s Kobe earthquake has taught us that community collapses followed by evacuations cause people to suffer from isolation particularly older people. However, the scale of Tohoku disaster was too large to take this Kobe’s lesson into account and the plans to facilitate the evacuation operations based on community units did not widely permeate.  


福島県は2040年までに県内の消費電力100%分を 再生可能エネルギーで。


Fukushima sets to generate 100% of its energy from renewable by 2040
The prefecture of Fukushima has pledged to generate the equivalent amount of energy to 100% of its consumption from renewable sources by 2040. Having endured an unprecedented nuclear disaster, Fukushima is determined to reconstruct a safe and secure society which does not depend on nuclear power and is able to continue developing sustainably.


震災関連死 - 大震災と原発事故が原因の避難生活により体調悪化などの2次災害で亡くなる「震災関連死」と認定された人はそれぞれ県発表によると、岩手458人、宮城920人、福島2,016人 。福島県の集計では県内の死者・行方不明者3844人のうち関連死が半数以上を占め、地震や津波による直接死を上回る。 県は「避難の長期化で、心や体への負担が増えているのが原因ではないか。被災者の見守りや健康維持への取り組みを強化したい」としている。参照;共同、 2015年12月28日。岩手県、宮城県、福島県ウェブサイト、2月12日閲覧。


Disaster-Related Deaths - ‘Disaster-related Deaths’ means deaths that do not result directly from the disaster itself but are caused by post-disaster trauma and ill-health including suicide. A spokesman from Fukushima prefecture said that they are concerned that some of these deaths could be attributed to the prolonged evacuations that taxed the physical and mental well-being of the people and they will reinforce efforts to oversee the well-being of those disaster victims.  According to the announcements made by each prefecture, 458 cases were officially recognized as disaster-related deaths in Iwate, 920 in Miyagi and 2,016 in Fukushima, and it is significantly higher in Fukushima. The total numbers of disaster victims in Fukushima including direct and indirect deaths is 3,844 as of Feb 2016 and now the post-disaster deaths account for over a half.


風評被害 - 原発事故後、福島では放射能汚染への懸念から県産品に対する買い控えや、観光業でキャンセルが相次ぐなど多くの産業が打撃を被っている。いわれのない情報をもとに被害が発生することが風評被害であるが、この福島での風評被害については放射能汚染を被った地域が実際に存在することで、さまざまな立場にある人々の意向、情報、現実への理解が錯綜した状態で問題が複雑化している。徹底した調査と情報開示が風評被害の解消に向けて大切である。参照;“福島原子力発電所の事故による避難者に関する旅館業者への周知について (PDF)”. 厚生労働省健康局生活衛生課 (2011年3月19日)。wikipedia 福島第一原子力発電所事故の影響、風評被害、2016年2月9日閲覧。

Harmful Rumors - After the nuclear accident, many of Fukushima’s industries from farmers to tourism have suffered tremendously from plummeting sales due to consumers’ concerns of radiation contamination. ‘Fuhyo-Higai’, is a word used to describe damages caused by false assumption, however, in Fukushima’s case there were situations where contamination had actually occurred which lies at the bottom of this issue and making it far more complex engulfing various conflicted information and intentions. Thorough research and disclosure of accurate information is essential in order to ease and overcome the harmful rumors.


Photos courtesy of; © 2012&2014 Documentary Japan Big River Films, Australian Embassy Tokyo, Japan Self Defense Force, U.S. Navy photo. Click the image for the details

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